Using Demographics to Reach Your Target Audience

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Each unique platform you use will have its own unique demographics. There will be overlap, but it’s still essential to understand your demographics so you can tailor your message to have the most impact. There are a wide variety of platforms where you can spend time. Make sure to select the best platform for you and your audience. You want to be posting where your ideal audience spends time. Below are some recent demographics, gathered by Hootsuite, for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Facebook is used by people of all ages, but it is predominantly used by those between 25 and 34 years old. The second highest age group is 18-24 years old. In terms of gender, 56.3% of users are male and 43.7% are female (there is currently not enough data on the demographics of non-binary genders for any of the platforms, but we hear it is coming soon). Facebook is the most popular platform used by seniors and those living in rural areas.

Instagram is also used among all age groups, but it is most popular amongst those between 18 and 24 years of age. The percentage of users decreases as age increases. Instagram is slightly more popular with females (51%) than with males (49%). The top interests among the users are travel, music, food and drink, and fashion. 90% of Instagram users follow brands and want to see fun, real, and creative content from those brands.

LinkedIn is most popular with middle-aged users, those who are 46-55 years old. (Hint: Think about the age of the average CEO.) Though people of all ages use LinkedIn, as age increases, so does the percentage of users in that age group. The exception is 56 years and older, where the percentage drops. 57% of LinkedIn users are male and 43% are female.

Twitter is unique in that its age demographics are different for each gender. For males, Twitter is most popular amongst those aged 25-34 years old. For females, it is most popular for 18-24 year olds. More than 80% of all Twitter users are under the age of 50. In terms of gender, the demographics vary significantly by location. In the United States, it is a 50-50 split. Worldwide, 62% of users are male and 38% are female.

Using these demographics, you can determine which platforms are used by your target audience and focus your energies there. For more information, Hootsuite is a great place to look as they are a great advocate for transparent data. 

If you need any help with social media and marketing, reach out to us today for more information.


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