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Tigard Chamber of Commerce

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Project Overview

We have been working with the Tigard Chamber of Commerce 2011. Throughout this partnership, we have helped develop their brand and online presence that enables them to provide the best experience for the businesses in Tigard.

From designing their brand, building their website, and everything in between such as community guides, infographics, and business cards – we have worked together to craft a successful professional network.


Chamber of Commerce


Web Design & Development

Brand Identity

Graphic Design


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Brand Identity Overview

The main Tigard Chamber logo features three strong colors that have always been associated with the chamber. We created a logo mark that businesses will instantly recognize through the combination of their colors that surround a T. The symbolization for the crosssection of the colors and T is meant to create a sense of connection between companies to network and share business.

TCoC Logo
TCoC Logo white
TCoC Icon border


R66 G167 B198

R96 G38 B158

R66 G167 B198

TCoC fonts
Advance Tigard scaled

Web Design

When we first started working with The Tigard Chamber in 2011, they had a website pieced together in several different frameworks, were susceptible to spam and hackers, and needed to put a better user experience to serve their users.

We were able to consolidate their website into one framework, streamline the user experience, and provide better admin tools for the Chamber to use their website more effectively. Since that time, we are proud to say we have orchestrated a major rebrand, two successful website redesigns, and strong continued relationship that continues to thrive.

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